January 30 - 31, 2018, Prague
Traditional Meeting of the main Actors of Organic Agriculture
Biosummit is a prestigious conference where everyone involved in organic farming and organic food sales, both from CZ and abroad, can meet in discussion. The aim of the Conference is to link the key personalities among farmers, their interest and professional organizations, traders, scientists, representatives of the media and the public.
Main topics
OA and its Production Potential
OA perspectives for the future. Long-term fertility of soil and its ecological functions. Safety, quality and authenticity of organic food.
- 1Prospective crops and their varieties, growing methods
- 2Sales, trade, economy, support and subsidies
- 3Promotion, advertising and marketing
- 4Model solutions and examples from practice
- 5Feedback from Organic World Congress 2017 and RAFA 2017
Speakers will present new information and experiences with the functioning of organic farming in various countries and further specific examples of regional projects of OA, successful projects in practice and information about regional and cross-border cooperation. The program will also present feedback and conclusions from the international conferences Organic World Congress 2017 and Recent Advances in Food Analysis 2017. Main goal of the Biosummit conference is to provide to the public either personally or through the media the new developments in the organic farming in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Organizing Committee:
Jiří Urban, Andrea Hrabalová, Ctirad Hemelík, Gabriela Kolářová
Organizer: Felicius, o.p.s.
Residency: Na louce 453/16, 109 00 Praha 10
Office: Areál Výstaviště 67, 170 00 Praha 7
IN: 24852953
The company is registered with Prague Municipal Court under number O 1043
T: +420 222 311 108
E: info@felicius.cz
Gabriela Kolářová – General Manager
E: gabriela@felicius.cz
T: +420 606 666 214
Ctirad Hemelík – Founder
E: ctirad@felicius.cz